Utilidad pública que crece exponencialmente con los constructores Sistemas y servicios que son imparables como Internet Sistemas y servicios que son seguros por defecto y preservan la privacidad Aplastando la complejidad y escalamiento usando contratos inteligentes reinventados blockchain a la velocidad de la web que se ejecuta en el "borde" de Internet Eliminando intermediarios problemáticos de los sistemas blockchain Eliminando elementos críticos Problemas de usabilidad de los sistemas blockchain Liberando la gobernanza inteligente y la evolución autónoma "Servicios de Internet abiertos" con sistemas de gobernanza con tokens Una web programable sin confianza con uso compartido no revocable Democratizando la oportunidad tecnológica extendiéndola al 99 por ciento Construyendo una Internet abierta más rica que supera a los megamonopoliosUtilizando la computación para proporcionar liquidez estable a los contratos Hacer de WebAssembly la máquina virtual del mundo Completar la Trinidad de blockchain
Servicio público que crece exponencialmente con los constructores
In 20 years’ time, the open internet will finally be significantly bigger than Big Tech’s closed proprietary ecosystem, which will now be in terminal decline, but will take forever to disappear for similar reasons that explain why COBOL code is still running. Much of our crucial global society’s information infrastructure, systems, and services will now be running on the open, unstoppable, and tamperproof Internet Computer blockchain network. This will bring about profound transformations in how things work, and support an unimaginably richer internet ecosystem that incorporates more innovation, collaboration, and dynamism that drives positive economic growth around the world. Much of what is considered the developing world today will have skipped the Big Tech ecosystem and will be running entirely on the open internet, providing advantages and efficiencies that help further equalize opportunity. Smart contract technology will by now have delivered deep and meaningful changes to how society operates around the world, improving personal privacy, freedoms, and sovereignty on a massive scale, and DeFi will now be very significantly larger than traditional finance. Meanwhile, the network will by now have incorporated all kinds of new science, through quantum-safe cryptography to new features, such that it looks quite different to how it does today, and a new vanguard of researchers and engineers will be driving it forwards.
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