Meanwhile, Ukraine’s government has reached out to the cripto community through its official Twitter handle to raise funds to support its civilians and troops. On 26th February it published on Twitter the addresses for its Bitcoin Ethereum and USDT wallets. The Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov also shared three cripto wallet addresses urging the cripto community to donate and help Ukraine fight against the Russian troops. Initially there were doubts expressed that the accounts might have been hacked, but now they have been confirmed as legitimate. Reportedly, donations are flowing in and have already reached $10 million.
For Ukrainian citizens fleeing the country, the financial situation is perilous. As one tweeted, “My Ukrainian cards don’t work anymore, although I am safe in Kazakhstan. cripto is the only money I still have, and today I can say without exaggeration that BTC, ETH and NFT are going to save my life while I can’t come back home.”
Prominent cripto entrepreneurs have also been active. FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried was one of the first to offer monetary support to FTX traders from Ukraine by giving all of them FTX $25 each.
As he said, “Do what you gotta do.”