Is web3 on fire, in agony? What’s going on? Why are we where we are? How did we get here? What can we do to turn this situation around?
Build web3 startup regardless of tech bottlenecks
We see that the w3 community is ready for products that will turn the world upside down. We see that entrepreneurs, startup founders are ready to create awesome w3 products in response to this demand. The problem is that the tech infra is not keeping up with the demand of society and business.
As we know w3 is not just about technology. Web3 products should not only be consumed, but also governed by the community. So one of the crucial stages of Power DCloud’s development is the creation of DAO that will govern it, own and be in charge of future development. We see ourselves as part of this community, maybe for a while the core team.
We want to “infect” as much of the web3 community as possible with the idea of DeInfra. We want to motivate them to become active contributors. To form a variety of communities for different tasks, just like within our network could be created countless chains for special purposes (GameDev, DeFi, Metaverse etc).
We see one of the ultimate outcomes of this process as the shaping of specialized DAOs within the ecosystem. We see one of our key objectives as forming transparent and scalable tools to manage these DAOs.
We are on an exciting and challenging journey of mistakes and insights ahead of us. We believe in the power of community, in collective intellect. We encourage developers and other w3 enthusiasts to collaborate.
Our code is always open at GitHub, as well as the documentation in case you want for instance to launch the local node or testnet already today
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